Raw Bee Honey

BeHoney - Icono

100% Spanish RAW honey

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BeHoney - Icono

FROM 15 €

For orders equal to or greater than € 15 in our store, only delivery in Spain mainland area. It will be applied directly at the end of your purchase before making the payment, not combinable with other discounts.

What do our clients think?

Reseña google - Septiembre 2023
Ha sido todo un acierto elegir a Be Honey, he quedado enamorada del resultado final, el trabajo que hacen es estupendo, desde el primer momento brindan una atención personalizada y cuidan hasta el último detalle, siempre atendiendo a todas las peticiones y cambios que les hemos pedido. Volveríamos a elegirlos mil veces!! Muchas gracias!
Reseña google - Septiembre 2023
Pedimos 75 tarros de miel para los invitados a nuestra boda. El servicio fue magnífico. Desde la asistencia a la hora de crear el pedido, el seguimiento, el envío y por supuesto el producto, al que no puedo ponerle ninguna pega. Muchas gracias Jose Antonio, seguro repetiremos.
Reseña google - Agosto 2023 (Local Guide · Nivel 5)
Hicimos un pedido para nuestro regalo a los invitados de boda. Nos ha encantado. Son muy bonitos, muy bien presentado y, sobre todo, un embalaje perfecto y super cuidado para que todo llegue en las mejores condiciones. Muy recomendado si queréis hacer un regalo muy original!!
Reseña google - Agosto 2023 (Local Guide · Nivel 5)
Hemos comprado unos botecitos de miel como detalle en unas bodas de oro, quedaron muy bonitos con el tarro y el palito mielero grabados. ☺️
Luz I.
Luz I.
Reseña google - marzo 2021
Impecable servicio atención al cliente. Muy personalizado. Precio calidad inmejorable.
Mónica Zanolli
Mónica Zanolli
Reseña Trustpilot - dic. 2020
Todo perfecto. Entrega en tiempo y forma. Productos deliciosos
Andrés Gallego Esteban
Andrés Gallego Esteban
mentta.es - 02 febrero 2021
Con diferencia una de los mejores servicios online que he recibido en los últimos meses. Sin mencionar que la miel está súper rica y es muy natural.
Maria José g
Maria José g
Reseña google - Local Guide - dic. 2020
...Para tostadas o para endulzar bizcochos en lugar de azúcar, mejor miel de azahar, tiene un sabor más tradicional. Las velas una pasada, las enciendes e impregnan la sala con un olor a miel, sin ser pesado...
Andrea Cárceles
Andrea CárcelesInstagram - nov. 2020
...lo que me fascina de @behoney.es es su compromiso con la naturaleza; su proceso es respetuoso con las abejas y el entorno. Los valores de una marca para mi son el fundamento para amarla u odiarla ❤️ sin duda, está miel está deliciosa ...
Francisco ORTUÑO
Francisco ORTUÑO
Reseña google - jun. 2020
Miel de confianza, nada de mezclas y de procedencia de otros paises. Variedades a elegir, y buena presencia de envase. El mejor regalo.
VerónicaRecomendación Facebook - abr. 2019
Había probado la de azahar y la de lavanda, así que decidimos dar tarritos en nuestra boda pero esta vez de miel de campo y no pudimos elegir mejor, el trato y el trabajo es de 10...
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Sello Calidad Murcia BeHoney

BeHoney is the only honey in the world that has obtained the seal of guarantee mark:

Agrifood Quality
Murcia Region Control


Properties and benefits of our raw honey

BeHoney was born inspired by the values of a traditional beekeeping, respectful of bees and the environment.
With a clear objective, to make available to the most demanding palates a unique and 100% Spanish honey, as shown by our 100% Spain label . And for this we follow a careful extraction and decantation process, with which we obtain a gourmet honey that reflects each of the aromas and flavors of where they are harvested.

BEHONEY - ecoembes

Committed to nature

Thanks to the affection with which we treat our hives and the entire extraction and packaging process we can obtain a honey of the highest quality, and thanks to it, we have obtained the seal of "Quality Agrifood Control Region of Murcia".

What do we do

How we produce honey

At BeHoney we produce a select range of honeys harvested in natural settings, fields and forests in different parts of the Spanish geography.

Thanks to the affection with which we carry out our work, we obtain high quality honeys, in which you can appreciate the different aroma, texture and flavor according to each harvest area.

100% of our honey is Spanish

Beehives locations

We harvest in our own hives located in different locations of the Spanish territory.

One of the important things is to select the location of the apiaries and the dates on which the hives are transferred from one location to another, transhumance, since the type of honey we obtain will depend on this, since all our hives travel through different Spain locations.

The selection of the locations is a slow process, since you have to move sometimes without knowing anyone in certain areas and walk the ground, ask shepherds, farmers, people from the villages, until you can talk to the owners of the land that We believe that they are more suitable for placing an apiary. It is true that in most cases he receives us with expectation and interest in the work we do.

El Niño de Mula

El Niño de Mula





Honey harvest

Once the honey is harvested from the combs in drums, these are transferred to the different decanters of our workshop, where they will pass a decantation period during which the small particles of wax and impurities that may remain in the honey remain in the upper part of the decanter for later disposal.

After the decantation period, we pack the honey in the different formats that we commercialize and make available to consumers for their tasting and enjoyment.

Enjoying what we do, refreshing the traditional way of working and reintroducing people to pleasures that seemed lost, to enjoy a product without any adulteration, 100% natural, allows you to taste honey as if you were passing your finger through a honeycomb directly in the forest and you will take it to your mouth to the delight of your senses.

We love to share our enjoyment of working and living with bees. Interest in beekeeping is something that continues to grow in society, realizing every day a little more, the importance of different ecosystems, and how important the bee is in the vast majority of them.

On some occasions we receive comments from people who taste our honey such as "it reminds me of the honey I used to drink as a child", and when these words are said to you by someone who no longer has to get up early to work, it fills you with pride and allow yourself the luxury of thinking something we will be doing well.

Ideal locations for hives

At BeHoney we select the ideal locations for the placement of the hives, both in the smallest corners and in the largest forests.
Colmenas de Abejas
Apicultor en el Bosque

Completely artisanal management

We treat the bees and the environment with all the affection.

Richness of aromas, colors and textures

We wanted to reflect in each of our honeys the richness of the aromas of the landscapes where they are harvested, with different colors and textures according to these landscapes.
Tarros de Miel Cruda

The way to harvest

We use the Langstroth hive, also called the supers hive, because it is the only one that allows us to obtain a monofloral honey and it is the most hygienic with the breeding of bees. Our hives are made of Spanish pine wood, without chemical treatments.

Monofloral honey

By having supers, that is, the lower box also called the brood chamber, contains the larvae and the brood of bees in the center of it, and pollen and honey in this order towards the sides.

As the hive needs space, supers are added to the top, that is, a box similar to the brood box.

At the beginning of flowering, the hive will breed in the lower chamber, and first rise, as flowering progresses we will add more supers in the upper part. And as the flowering ends, the brood will be produced only in the lower chamber, which benefits us so as not to mistreat the brood in the hive, since these frames do not touch, and we obtain a monofloral honey since the supers they have been placing empty (they only have the wax squares made with wax from our farm) during flowering, which ensures that all the nectar that has entered is from the flowering in which we are

Optimum timing of honey
When the flowering is ending, we wait for the optimum honey moment, which is known under two criteria:


We see that the pictures are capped, that is, most of them have the cells with the wax seal placed by the bees, explained colloquially, that the hexagons of the painting are covered with wax, with this capping process, the bee tells us that honey is optimal for instant consumption or for future consumption.


Using a photometer to see the degrees brix (sugars) and humidity, and a conductivity meter to see the conductivity, which is the ability of honey to conduct electricity.

Honey harvest

If finally, both visually and technically, the optimal values for BEHONEY are given, we proceed to harvest the honey.



We extract the combs from the hive supers.



Which is the process by which we remove the wax seal that the bee put up for the conservation of the honey.



Afterwards, we pass these combs through a centrifuge that extracts the honey from them, leaving the empty honey frames.


Conservation and packaging

After this process, the extracted honey is passed into barrels for its hermetic conservation. These barrels are pumped to the different decanters of the workshop for their decantation and subsequent packaging in the different formats that we have.


Transhumance is the transfer of the hives from one location to another, by which we achieve that the same hive can give several crops from different territories, due to the different climates and blooms, with which we obtain different honeys. This process should be done at night, which is the time when the bees are inside the hive. The hives must be prepared and adapted by the beekeeper for this transhumance.

Bee hygiene

Thanks to this type of hive (Langstroth), by having all its boxes of the same size, brood chamber and supers, it allows you to easily exchange wax squares between the brood chamber and supers, which is essential to renew the wax of the breeding area, and avoid disease and abandonment of it. This process is not possible with the other type of supers hives called Dandant, since, in it, the supers are smaller than the brood chamber, which makes hygiene difficult.

History of BeHoney


In 2015, I had a situation of great work tensions in the city and I simply decided that I had to find a way to incorporate a bit of tranquility and nature into my life, something that I shared with a co-worker from more than 15 years ago.

Together with my partner from our previous job we recovered a small family garden, we spoke with farmers and ranchers to learn a little more about the sector, and between these conversations I was surprised by a person, about to retire, who spoke with such passion about bees, of the study that throughout his life he was doing of the same, someone who did not complain about his work, a person who together with his wife, both beekeepers, enjoyed work, enjoyed just talking about bees. Given these feelings, I decided that at least I should know what it consisted of, because to date the image that I had of a beehive was that of the round and yellow rings in the drawings.

The first thing I did was go to a meeting of beekeepers, in which many exposed their problems, and some gave us advice. Then we visited the apiary of a neighbor from my childhood, who had been with hives for a few years and I saw the same passion as the first beekeeper I mentioned earlier, even with less experience.

Willing to learn about beekeeping, we took several courses on it, on pesticides, to learn about one of the greatest enemies of bees such as certain herbicides and insecticides, I also took courses on animal welfare. All this combined with visits to apiaries of which they were already friends.

At the same time, we designed a business plan, since we had already decided that this was going to be our path for the next decades.


By the end of 2016 it was time to take the leap and set up our own farm, it was something very exciting, placing the first hives, seeing the bees come out of your hives, starting to apply what we had learned. The first blows also arrived, the looting between large and small hives and apiaries of other nearby beekeepers, the fight against the moth. And of course, the varroa, the mite that most weakens and damages the hives, because we realized that even when we have our hives healthy and cared for, if there is an apiary from another nearby beekeeper or wild swarms without taking care of, the varroa returns one and again.



In 2018 is when we put our first jar of honey at the disposal of our customers-friends, and since then it has been a continuous emotion, every time a store decides to share our products with its customers, every time we receive an email or a WhatsApp with an order, and of course every time a flowering approaches and the hives begin to buzz and grow, it is as a beekeeper told me one day, an explosion of life every time spring approaches.



In the middle of 2020 we obtain the Agrifood Quality Seal of the Region of Murcia, which ratifies and certifies the quality of the honey we produce. In this way, an external laboratory certifies the quality of our honeys and ratifies what our internal analyzes said.

BEHONEY in the media

BEHONEY in the program «Stay with me» on 7 TV Región of Murcia

On May 20, on the occasion of World Bee Day, from BEHONEY we had the pleasure of sharing our passion for bees with all the viewers of the program presented by Encarna Talavera, Stay With Me of 7 Television Murcia region. We thank the program for having BEHONEY for this live broadcast, where José Francisco Bayona interviewed us and we were able to show the work that we carry out together with the bees, in this specific case, in the pollination of apricots in the El Niño population of Mula, in the Region of Murcia.

Price according to quantity

VAT included
  • Añade el palito mielero también personalizable

Price according to quantity

VAT included
  • Añade el palito mielero también personalizable


Palito mielero personalizable

  • Personalizado directamente en el cristal
  • Paltio mielero personalizable

Price according to quantity

VAT included
  • Añade el palito mielero también personalizable

Buy raw honey

Buy online directly from the beekeeper

Velas de Cera de Abeja - BeHoney

Beeswax candles

Round and curly candles

Different sizes for any occasion

Apadrina tu colmena

We know that you like to help bees, but it is not always possible. That is why we give you the option of sponsoring a BeHoney hive, in this way you help the BeHoney project to continue caring for and repopulating hives.

Elige entre las dos modalidades de apadrinamiento